Barbarian Results/Championships Page :My
Results/Championships page for Sionne Vailahi

Yeah, I know it's not complete, but Hey, it is
better than some. LOL!
Championship Wrestling
Wrestling Alliance
Other Titles
- 1-Time
WWC Puerto Rican Champion (defeating Hercules Ayala
(July 7, 1984);
- 1-Time WWWA Tag Team Champion (with The
- 1-Time Indo-Asian Heavyweight Champion
- 1-Time Superstars of Wrestling Heavyweight
- 1-Time IAW Heavyweight Champion
- 1-Time Real Wrestling Heavyweight Champion
- 1-Time BWF Heavyweight Champion
- 1-Time WLW Heavyweight Champion
- NACW Heavyweight title;
- WLW Heavyweight title (November 3, 2003);
- NWA Virginia Heavyweight title;
- Ultimate Championship Wrestling Heavyweight title
Pro Wrestling Illustrated ranked him #
202 of the 500 best singles
wrestlers during the "PWI Years" in 2003. He was also ranked #
97 of the best tag teams of the "PWI
Years" with
The Warlord.
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Career Wrestler Highlights (from
Obsessed with Wrestling.com)
In The Beginning:
Sione Vailahi was a sumo wrestler before taking up
professional wrestling..
Sione Vailahi debuted in pro-wrestling as "King Konga"
wrestling in Memphis and other southern territories..
King Konga later changed his name to Konga the
Barbarian, wrestling also in Japan and Puerto Rico..
July 7, 1984: Konga the Barbarian defeated Hercules
Ayala to win the WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight title..
National Wrestling Alliance:
July 6, 1985 - G.A.B.: Manny Fernandez & Sam Houston &
Buzz Tyler beat Barbarian & Billy Graham & Abdullah the Butcher..
November 28, 1985 - Starrcade: Billy Graham defeated
Konga the Barbarian in an Arm Wrestling match by Disqualification..
November 27, 1986 - Starrcade: Hector Guererro & Baron
von Raschke defeated Shaska Whatley & The Barbarian..
July 4, 1987 - Great American Bash: Ron & Jimmy Garvin
defeated The Barbarian & Vladimir Petrov..
January 24, 1988 - The Bunkhouse Stampede: The
Barbarian participated in the Steel Cage Bunkhouse Stampede Main Event..
National Wrestling Alliance - The Powers of Pain (Warlord & Barbarian):
Barbarian formed a powerful tag team with
known as
The Powers of Pain and managed by
Paul Jones..
The Powers of Pain (Warlord & Barbarian) immediately
began feuding with the Road Warriors (Hawk & Animal)..
March 27, 1988 - CotR: The Road Warriors & Dusty
Rhodes beat The Powers of Pain & Ivan Koloff in a Barbedwire Match..
World Wrestling Federation - The Powers of Pain (Warlord & Barbarian):
The Powers of Pain jumped ship to the
Wrestling Federation as a babyface tag team, managed by
The Baron..
July 31, 1988 - WrestleFest: The Powers of Pain
defeated The Bolsheviks (Nikolai Volkoff & Boris Zhukov)..
August 29, 1988 - Summerslam: The Powers of Pain
defeated The Bolsheviks (Nikolai Volkoff & Boris Zhukov)..
October 16, 1988 - King of the Ring: "Outlaw Ron Bass"
defeated The Barbarian in the 1st Round of the tournament..
November 24, 1988 - Survivor Series: Team Powers of
Pain defeated Team Demolition in a Survivor Series-style match..
~~~Team POP: Powers of Pain, The Hart Foundation, The
Rockers, The British Bulldogs & The Young Stallions..
~~~Team Demolition: Demolition, The Fabulous Rougeau
Brothers, The Brain Busters, The Bolsheviks & The Conquistadors..
~~~After the match, Warlord & Barbarian turned heel
and rescued Mr. Fuji from Demolition, who turned face..
World Wrestling Federation - The Powers of Pain (Warlord & Barbarian w/Mr.
January 15, 1989 - Royal Rumble: Barbarian entered the
Royal Rumble at number 26 but was eliminated by Rick Martel..
April 2, 1989 - WrestleMania V: Demolition beat The
Powers of Pain & Mr. Fuji in a Handicapped match to retain the Tag Team titles..
The Powers of Pain feud with The Rockers and The
Bushwhackers throughout 1989 while also wrestling singles matches..
October 14, 1989 - King of the Ring: Jimmy Snuka
defeated The Barbarian in the 1st Round of the tournament...
November 23, 1989 - Survivor Series: The Hulkamaniacs
defeated The Million Dollar Team in a Survivor Series match..
~~~The Hulkamaniacs = Hulk Hogan & Jake "The Snake"
Roberts & Demolition (Ax & Smash)..
~~~Million Dollar Team = Ted DiBiase & Zeus & Powers
of Pain (Warlord & Barbarian)..
~~~The Powers of Pain were disqualified after
executing a spike piledriver on Hulk Hogan..
January 21, 1990 - Royal Rumble: The Barbarian entered
the Royal Rumble at #27 but was eliminated by Hercules..
Mr. Fuji sold the Barbarian's contract to
Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, and Warlords contract to
splitting up the Powers of Pain..
World Wrestling Federation - The Barbarian w/Bobby Heenan:
The Barbarian is given a "enhanced" Barbarian gimmick
with new wrestling attire of a contouring nomadic warrior..
April 1, 1990 - WrestleMania VI: The Barbarian w/Bobby
Heenan defeated Tito Santana..
The Barbarian randomly wrestled a number of lower-midcard
& midcard wrestlers throughout 1990..
The Barbarian began feuding with the
November 22, 1990 - Survivor Series: The Hulkamaniacs
defeated The Natural Disasters in a Survivor Series match..
~~~The Natural Disasters = Earthquake, Dino Bravo,
Barbarian, Haku..
~~~The Hulkamaniacs = Hulk Hogan, The Big Bossman,
"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan & Tugboat..
~~~Hulk Hogan pinned The Barbarian to become the sole
survivor of the match..
January 19, 1991 - Royal Rumble: The Big Bossman
defeated The Barbarian w/Bobby Heenan..
March 24, 1991 - WrestleMania VII: The Rockers (Shawn
Michaels & Marty Jannetty) defeated Haku & The Barbarian..
April 15, 1991 - Saturday Night's Main Event: The
Barbarian participated in the Battle Royal Main Event..
April 24, 1991 - UK Rampage: Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka
defeated The Barbarian..
October 3, 1991 - WWF at Royal Albert Hall: The
British Bulldog defeated The Barbarian..
~~~The Barbarian also participated in the main event
battle royal on that night..
January 19, 1992 - Royal Rumble: Barbarian entered the
Royal Rumble at #8 but was eliminated by Hercules..
The Barbarian left the World Wrestling Federation..
In The Meantime:
The Barbarian wrestled briefly for
New Japan
Pro Wrestling..
World Championship Wrestling - The Barbarian:
The Barbarian resurfaced in the early stages of
Championship Wrestling..
June 25, 1992: The Barbarian & Dick Slater defeated
The Freebirds to win the United States Tag Team titles..
July 31, 1992: A month later, the United States Tag
Team titles are retired..
September 2, 1992 - CotC XX: The Barbarian & Butch
Reed defeated Barry Windham & Dustin Rhodes..
October 25, 1992 - Helloween Havoc: Ron Simmons
defeated The Barbarian to retain the WCW World title..
November 18, 1992 - CotC XXI: Ron Simmons & Too Cold
Scorpio defeated The Barbarian & Tony Atlas & Cactus Jack..
December 28, 1992 - Starrcade: Big Van Vader & Dustin
Rhodes defeated Kensuke Sasaki & The Barbarian in a BattleBowl match..
In The Meantime:
The Barbarian returned to
New Japan
Pro Wrestling..
World Wrestling Federation - The Headshrinkers:
1994: The Barbarian returned to the
to replace Samu in the
Headshrinkers and is renamed Sionne -- teaming with
November 23, 1994 - Survivor Series: The Bad Guys
defeated The Teamsters in a Survivor Series match..
~~~The Bad Guys (Razor Ramon, British Bulldog, Fatu,
Sionne & 123 Kid)..
~~~The Teamsters (Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Jeff
Jarrett, Owen Hart & Jim Neidhart)..
January 22, 1995 - Royal Rumble: Sionne entered the
Royal Rumble at #6..
World Championship Wrestling - The Faces of Fear (Barbarian & Meng):
The Barbarian rejoined
WCW and
was reunited with Meng (Haku) as the
Faces of Fear, and as a members of the
Dungeon of Doom..
March 24, 1996 - Uncensored: Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage
beat The Alliance to End Hulkamania in a Tower of Doom Cage match..
~~~The Allaince: Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Kevin
Sullivan, Lex Luger, The Barbarian, Meng,
Z Gangsta
The Ultimate Solution..
May 19, 1996 - Slamboree: DDP & The Barbarian beat
Meng & Hugh Morrus in the 1st Round of the Lord of the Ring Tournament..
~~~DDP & The Barbarian defeated The Booty Man & Rick
Steiner in the Second Round of the tournament..
~~~Barbarian was eliminated in the Lord of the Ring
Battle Royal, which was won by Diamond Dallas Page!
August 10, 1996 - Hog Wild: Kevin Sullivan & Faces of
Fear defeated Jim Powers & Joe Gomez & Mark Starr in a dark Match..
October 27, 1996 - Helloween Havoc: Chris Benoit &
Steve McMichael defeated The Faces of Fear (Barbarian & Meng)..
November 24, 1996 - World War 3: The Barbarian
participated in the Three Ring Battle Royal Main Event..
December 29, 1996 - Starrcade: Scott Hall & Kevin Nash
defeated The Faces of Fear to retain the Tag Team titles..
February 23, 1997 - SuperBrawl VII: The Public Enemy
defeated Harlem Heat and Faces of Fear in a Triangle Tag Match..
September 14, 1997 - Fall Brawl: Mortis & Wrath
defeated The Faces of Fear (Meng & Barbarian played the Faces in the match)..
November 23, 1997 - World War 3: The Faces of Fear
defeated Glacier & Ernest "The Cat" Miller..
~~~Later that night, both Meng & The Barbarian
participated in the Three Ring Battle Royal Main Event..
The Faces of Fear split up after Meng becomes a face
and Barbarian maintains his heel status..
World Championship Wrestling - The Barbarian:
August 8, 1998 - Road Wild: Meng defeated The
Barbarian in the opening match of the show..
The Faces of Fear were reunited by Jimmy Hart and
brought into his
First Family stable..
January 25, 1999 - WCW Monday Nitro: The Faces of Fear
defeated David Taylor & Fit Finlay in a Tag Title Tournament match..
February 4, 1999 - WCW Thunder: Horace Hogan & Bryan
Adams defeated The Faces of Fear in the 2nd Round..
~~~The Barbarian attacked Meng and cause the team to
lose the match..
The Barbarian continued to wrestle in singles
competition before leaving World Championship Wrestling for good..
The Barbarian:
September 18, 2001 - Puerto Rico 28th Anniversary
Show: Konnan defeated The Barbarian to retain the AAA Title..
November 3, 2003: The Barbarian became Heavyweight
champion of Harley Race's WLW promotion in Missouri..
February 14, 2004--Universal Championship Wrestling:
Ricky Morton defeated The Basbarian..
July 10, 2004--IAW Clash at the Cove 6: Brian Costello
(managed by Terri Runnels) defeated The Barbarian..
September 23, 2004--Championship Wrestling: The
Barbarian defeated Tracy Smothers..
October 23, 2004--Rice Pro Wrestling: Meng & Barbarian
defeated Disciples of Destruction..
October 30, 2004--U of Virginia Children's Medical
Center Benefit Show: Animal & Rick Steiner beat Warlord & Barbarian..
January 22, 2005--Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling
(In Korea): The Barbarian beat Andrew Bane in a Hardcore Match..
February 5, 2005--CWF Mid Atlantic: Rob McBride &
Barbarian beat Tim Blaze & Corey Edsel with Jimmy Valiant as referee
February 11, 2005--UCW TV taping: The Shooter defeated
February 12, 2005--Carolina Championship Wrestling:
Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson beat Mr. Hughes & The Barbarian by DQ..
February 19, 2005--Exodus Wrestling: The Masked
Superstar defeated The Barbarian..
March 5, 2005: The Stro defeated The Barbarian by DQ
in Conway, South Carolina..
March 18, 2005--UCW: Demolition Ax & The Barbarian
beat Buff Bagwell & The Shooter in a hardcore rules match..
March 26, 2005--Southern Wrestling Alliance: The
Barbarian defeated Bunkhouse Buck by Disqualification..
May 7, 2005--Carolina Championship Wrestling:
Barbarian defeated Madd Maxx..
May 27, 2005--Superstar Wrestling Federation:
Barbarian defeated Beef..
June 2005 - Gladiator Championship Wrestling: Animal
"showed up late" and got into a brawl with Warlord & Barbarian..
May 29, 2005--Superstar Wrestling Federation:
Barbarian defeated Scotty Blaze by Disqualification..
July 17, 2005--Iron Ring Wrestling: Tony Atlas vs
Barbarian ended in a Double Count Out..
July 20, 2005--Mountain State Wrestling: Barbarian
defeated Dan Richards..
July 21, 2005--Mountain State Wrestling: Barbarian
defeated Dan Richards..
July 22, 2005--Mason Dixon Wrestling: The Stro
defeated The Barbarian..
August 28, 2005--UCW: The Shooter defeated The
September 10, 2005--American Pro Wrestling: The
Barbarian defeated Sonny Landel by Disqualification..
October 15, 2005--Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling:
Rick Steiner defeated The Barbarian..
November 6, 2005--Iron Ring Wrestling: KC Thunder
defeated The Barbarian..
November 19, 2005--CCW Tribute to Starrcade: The
Masked Superstar defeated The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart..
December 10, 2005--Queen City Clash: Greg "The Hammer"
Valentine defeated The Barbarian in Charlotte, North Carolina ..
February 2, 2006--Ricky Morton Benefit Show: The Stro
defeated The Barbarian w/Mr. Terrific by DQ..
March 4, 2006--Southern Championship Wrestling: Dennis
Condrey & Bobby Eaton defeated The Warlord & The Barbarian ...
March 11, 2006--USA Main Event: The Drillers defeated
The Barbarian & El Degato....
April 29, 2006--TNT Pro Wrestling: Buff Bagwell & The
Patriot (Tommy Gunn) defeated The Barbian & Demolition Ax....
May 6, 2006--TNT Pro Wrestling: Buff Bagwell defeated
The Barbarian..
May 14, 2006--TNT Pro Wrestling: Buff Bagwell defeated
The Barbarian in Spotsylvania, Virginia ...
May 26, 2006--Pro Wrestling Legends: Greg "The Hammer"
Valentine defeated The Barbarian............
May 27, 2006--High Velocity Wrestling: The Barbarian
defeated Law in a Street Fight ..
June 17, 2006--Carolina Classic Wrestling: The
Barbarian defeated Jimmy Jack Funk Jr....
July 14, 2006--JCW: Samu & Alofa beat Powers of Pain
and Bump-N-Uglies and 2Tuff Tony & Corporal Robinson in a 4-WAY..
July 15, 2006--Juggalo Championshit Wrestling: Vampiro
& Nosawa & Violent J defeated Mad Man Pondo & Powers of Pain..
September 2, 2006--Big Time Wrestling: The Barbarian
defeated Buzz........
October 26, 2006--Exodus Wrestling Alliance: Barbarian
defeated George South Sr. with Jimmy Valiant as referee..
December 1, 2006--Carolina Wrestling Alliance: D.L.
Cool defeated The Barbarian in a Falls Count Anywhere match.
January 13, 2007--Stranglehold Wrestling: The
Barbarian defeated B.J. Stardom in Hamilton, Ontario...
February 3, 2007--American Pro Wrestling: The
Barbarian defeated Rocky Starr & Mike McCloud
February 3, 2007--Alternative Championship Wrestling:
The Barbarian & Masked Superstar beat Bam & Jack Spade
February 10, 2007--CIW: The Barbarian defeated Hoss
Monahan in Adrian, Michigan ...
March 3, 2007--American Pro Wrestling: Abel Adams
defeated The Barbarian in Chester, South Carolina ...
April 6,
2007--IWA Mid South: The Barbarian defeated Jimmy Jacobs in Plainfield,
April 20, 2007--All-Star Championship Wrestling: Bobby
Eaton & Barbarian defeated Mr. USA & Thunderfoot
April 27, 2007--Memphis Wrestling: Moondog Cujo w/Sal
Corrente defeated The Barbarian in a Hardcore match....
May 5, 2007--Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling: The
Barbarian defeated Andru Bain by DQ in Gastonia, North Carolina ..
June 18, 2007--EWA: The Barbarian defeated Mr. Florida
to win the EWA title with Jimmy Valiant as the guest referee..
August 11, 2007---NWA Legends Show: The Barbarian
defeated Timber the Lumberjack in an Anything Goes match..
October 13,
2007--NYWC: Barbarian vs. Joey Braggiol ended in a No Contest when the Dirty
Rednex interfered..
October 19, 2007--Wrestle Fan Fest (S.F.): The Powers
of Pain w/Temptress defeated Kamala & One Man Gang w/Slick..
January 20, 2008--XICW: The Barbarian defeated N8
Mattson | Buff Bagwell defeated The Barbarian in Warren, Michigan..
January 26, 2008--Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling:
Bobby Eaton defeated The Barbarian in Easley, South Carolina..
~~~The Barbarian won the imaginary "$1,000" eight-man
battle royal dumping both Bobby Eaton & Donnie Dollars to win..
February 2, 2008--ACW: Demolition Ax & The Barbarian
w/Ted DiBiase defeated Cowboy Willie Watts & Leroy Greene..
February 15, 2008--Action Packed Wrestling: Willie
Presley beat The Barbarian by DQ in Jonesville, South Carolina..
May 5, 2008--Anderson Brothers Tag Team Tournament:
Jason Jones & Black Scorpion beat Barbarian & Jake Manning by DQ..
May 16, 2008--Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling: The
Barbarian defeated Ricky Morton in Lincolnton, North Carolina ..
July 12, 2008--Southern Heritage Championship
Wrestling: Barbarian vs. Jimmy Jack Funk Jr. ended in a No Contest..
February 21, 2009--NWA Mid-Atlantic Championship
Wrestling: Beautiful Bobby Eaton defeated The Barbarian

The Powers of Pain Bio on Wikipedia
To contact Dave directly,
Email kongadave@yahoo.com
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